Thursday, September 24, 2015

Art 2 Sketchbook Schedule

Art 2 Sketchbook
The purpose of sketchbook assignments is to have you continue to expand your skills in direct observational drawing.  You will improve the more you draw!  The more you practice the better you get at seeing something in 3 dimensions and transferring it to 2 dimensions on paper.  VALUE (shading) is what makes something look 3 dimensional on paper.  For homework assignments, please do not draw from a picture PUT THE OBJECT IN FRONT OF YOU AND REALLY LOOK AT IT!   Choose a three dimensional object and put it in front of you.  Use a lamp or light to help exaggerate the highlights and shadows.

Drawing assignments- due on Thursdays- each day late subtracts 1 point   Drawings are worth 10pts

Due date
1.    A mug
2.    Something spherical
9. 17
3.   3 things stacked or in an interesting grouping
4.   Something “fall”
5.   Something important to you
6.   Something “Halloween”
7.   A corner of a room in your house with furniture, etc

You will also have other assignments that are not observational drawings that will be announced during class.

New stuff?!

This cuteness has been keeping me up at night and I'm not on top of my game but I'm trying!
Here's some inspiration for Advanced Ceramics

This is what I'm loving right now...
Kari Radasch is amazing...check out her sources too to see what inspires her!

Michaelene Walsh

Diana Fayt in progress

Chandra Debeuse    

And for Art 2  Here's a sneak peak into what's next...

Andy Warhol soup and coca-cola

Shepard Fairey

Wayne Theibaud

Shepard Fairey for Obey

Wayne Theibaud