Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ways to get your creativity going

I found this great list of different ways to go about thinking about solving a creative problem....like art 2's new portrait project or Ceramics 1's Food Specific Project.  Check it out and notice that the first steps are all about writing words associated with it down....just like I always tell you ;)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Art 2: Portraiture

Art 2 is working on Portrait Drawing.  Here are some tutorials on individual features and general facial proportions. Use them to help you with your homework which is to "draw one mouth, one nose and one eye from direct observation" Due Thursday 10/16

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Drawing pencils

Art 2 is working on drawing skills in preparation for a new still life pastel... here's some info about the types of pencils from about.com

"Simply, the H means hard and B means black. H pencils, because they are hard, leave less graphite on the paper, so are lighter. B pencils are softer, so leave more graphite on the paper, and so are darker. F means Fine Point, and it is quite a hard pencil - easy to keep sharp, but generally a bit too hard for general drawing. The more Hs, the harder it is (so a 4 H is harder than a 2H) - HB is kind of in the middle, though for drawing, its still reasonably hard - and the more Bs it has, the softer it is - so the 7B is the softest. HB is equivalent to the standard American Number 2 pencil, B is Number 1."

Monday, September 29, 2014

Art 2- Homework Review

 Here is a list of the homework assigned so far....if you haven't done them -DO THEM NOW! You will get partial credit for late homework up to 3 weeks late. You cannot do all of the homework at the end of the trimester!

1.  Reflection on doodling
2.  Sphere- observation drawing
3.  Email me a photo of your favorite artwork
4.  Something important - observation drawing
5.  Bring in logos
6.  2 Products- observation drawing- DUE SEPTEMBER 26
7. Email a photo of a piece of art that is interesting to you- DUE SEPTEMBER 29
8. Draw something inspired by the piece you emailed me- DUE OCTOBER 2
9.  3 objects from home in a still life -  observation drawing- DUE OCTOBER 9

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ceramics 1- Face Pots

Now that we have mastered coil building we will be making Face Pots based on the African American pots made in the 1700's.  Here is an interesting episode of history detectives about them for you to check out.

Banksy and Shepard Fairey

here is some work by the two contemporary artists we talked about in class and here is the movie I mentioned, Exit Through the Gift Shop.

Shepard Fairey

  and Banksy

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Art 2 - POP art!

Today we discussed POP art and specifically Andy Warhol.  Here's a link to our new pal Andy's museum.  We also talked about some more current artists working with pop culture themes like Shepard Fairey and Banksy.

For homework:  Due Thursday
1.  Sketchbook= draw something important to you from life...with value in pencil
2.  Gather 10 pieces of pop culture now like advertising, logos, labels, trash, etc.... bring originals if you can into class Thursday!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Art 2- this week

Art 2 class
Here are two examples of the color wheel project we are working on

Sketchbook #1 Due Thurs. Sept. 11
"Something Spherical" 
I am looking for detail and value

Ceramics 1- pinch pots

Hello!  We are moving right along already!  We've started pinch pots and they're already looking good.
Here are some pinch pots for inspiration...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ceramics 1: Surreal Shoe Final


"a style in which fantastic  imagery from the subconscious mind 
 is used with no intention of making the artwork logical."
Your assignment: Your shoe should...
Be “life size”
be made using any method you want
be interesting and challenging!
Be surreal!
Click here for more info on surrealism
Click here for a great step by step tutorial on making a clay shoe...

Have Fun!!!!

Trimester 2- Ceramics classes Review and plans for Finals

Ceramics 1: Here's a list of projects that you will be graded on for your Trimester 2 grade:
1.  Pinch pot container
2.  Totem pole
3.  Music box
4. ?

5. Final exam:  Surreal Shoe (see shoe post)

All of these must be done (bisqued, glazed, fired) by March 14th and you must pass them in to me to receive a grade.

Advanced Ceramics:

March 14th is the last day of Trimester 2. The following work is due glazed and fired on that day, preferably sooner.  It is your responsibility to see the work throughout the bisquing, glazing and firing process and pass the work in to be graded.  Work not turned in by that date will receive a 0.

-         Egg/grenade
-         Head
-         Teapot and cup
-         Final exam: Choice