Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Advanced Ceramics

It's teapot time!
 Your teapot must have a lid that works, a spout that pours and a handle that works!

Yearbook Vine Videos!

Check out the Graphic Design/Yearbook class's Vine Video Commercials! Search  #mansfieldyearbook

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ceramics 2- new project : ANIMAL PLUS+ ?!

For your next project you will be making a realistic animal sculpture that....

It must be:
§  Detailed (texture, attachments, features)
§  No larger than 10” in any direction
§  Have something “PLUS” ***
§  Have good craftsmanship
§  Be interesting and creative!
§  Based on a realistic animal  


A costume   A “prop”    A friend    Something from its habitat    
Something totally opposite  Something funny


Art 2 - Week 3 Masterpiece and Quote of the Week

POP Art!
 Andy Warhol is our artist of the week with "Four Colored Campbell's Soup Cans" 
Here's a picture of our friend Andy... check this link out for more info and his artwork

Homework for tonight  due Thursday September 19...3 contour drawings of things from popular culture

Our QOTW "The artist's job is to be a witness to his time in history" Robert Rauschenberg